Seed & Soil
Providing Midcoast Maine and beyond with cannabis seeds, cannabis plants, vegetable plants, worms & their compost, and whatever other farm goodies happen to be ripe at the time.
Hours of Operation:
April 19th – July 13th
Fridays & Saturdays
10:00 am – 6:00 pm
Also by Appointment Year-Round!
To make an appointment please use this (scheduler tool), or if internet is not your first language, feel free to schedule by phone. Reach us at 207-808-0955 to set a time to visit or ask us anything.
Seed & Soil’s cannabis nursery is open to anyone over 21 years of age. We accept cash and check only. Seed is available all year long. Seasonally, seed-grown cannabis plants along with a selection of vegetable, herb, and flower plants and seeds are available. We also offer red wiggler worms and soil for raised beds for the general public. Other farm goodies may be available depending on the season.

Plants that perform in this region need to be hardy, especially cannabis. Grown outdoors in native soil under the sun, moon, and stars – we offer vigorous, well adapted, and pungent varieties.

Cannabis Seed
Offering regular, feminized, autoflower, and photoperiod varieties.

Herbs, Flowers, & Vegetables
Select varieties we grow in our home garden available for purchase.

Beginning Fall 2022 we plan to sell cloves of our highly anticipated desired variety.
Strain Inquiries

Get in Touch

75 Back Brooks Rd.
Monroe, Maine 04951

(207) 808-0955